Trade & Wholesale

Move forward your wholesale distribution business with MagoCloud ERP

Distributors face many global challenges, including rapidly changing customer demands, complex product inventories and fluctuations in the supply chain.
MagoCloud for Trade & Wholesale integrates and automates the entire cycle: the modern ERP software provides tools to help you manage sales orders, pricing, shipping, replenishment and billing, allowing you to optimize business processes so that all information is in one secure place. With accurate, real-time information available, situations requiring attention can be identified in a timely manner and addressed quickly.

Find out all the features for the Trade & Wholesale sector

Alright, I'm on board! What's the next step?

Choose between the Industries specifically designed for your company or build your own ERP Cloud solution à la carte.

Certified Partners are here to help you choose the right solution for your needs, to create a competitive advantage in your industry.

If you are interested in reselling MagoCloud, contact us to find out how to become a Certified Partner and extend your business.