Why MagoCloud

MagoCloud ERPsuits you well

We know that ERP on-premise software is still very widespread, yet the technological benchmark goes in another direction: the management of companies today cannot neglect the implementation of a Cloud ERP.

That’s why we have made Cloud technology our Core Business, offering an innovative and truly accessible solution.

The choice of MagoCloud brings indisputable advantages, both in the short and long term. Here are the reasons why you should seriously consider switching to MagoCloud.

Give costs a cut

The advantages of the MagoCloud ERP are concrete and immediately perceptible. Compared to the implementation of the same on-premise version, with the same configuration and work places, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is reduced by 43%.

This is possible because it cuts down all the costs of infrastructure, maintenance, periodic updates and licensing: ultimately you only invest money for what you need.

TCO MagoCloud vs TCO ERP on-premise   (for the same configuration and client accesses, over 5 years)

You only pay the subscription in annual fees. And save money!

The total cost of MagoCloud is given by the annual subscription fee and that of the equipment (PC, laptop, tablet etc..), net of any specific customizations. The saving compared to the on-premise version of the same solution is 63%!

Actual savings

No Hardware Costs – The implementation on company hardware is just a memory! You’re in the cloud, you don’t need anything else…you certainly don’t require a particular hardware infrastructure, one of the most expensive, but necessary, when it comes to on-premise ERP software.
No software license to buy – You don’t have to buy a license to use MagoCloud. All you need to do is apply for the annual subscription. What’s more, the cost of IT staff and their training is also zero: it’s all really in the Cloud!
Includes system update and administrative activities – Forget the update and the various steps to fix the software, upgrade the system, network and database: it’s all automatic.
Security and downtime: no more costs or lost revenues – Security costs can boost your on-premise investment; on the other hand, downtime data gaps also come at a price…with MagoCloud’s technology, which puts security and continuity first, all this is just a memory.

Learn more about our cloud-oriented philosophy

Learn more about our cloud-oriented philosophy

Alright, I'm on board! What's the next step?

Choose between the Industries specifically designed for your company or build your own ERP Cloud solution à la carte.

Certified Partners are here to help you choose the right solution for your needs, to create a competitive advantage in your industry.

If you are interested in reselling MagoCloud, contact us to find out how to become a Certified Partner and extend your business.